Caught in the Middle

June 17, 2011

Ladies I know that it is hard to find a good man, however it is also a growing rarity for your children to be blessed with a good father.  When a man breaks up with you, it does not mean that he breaks up with his children.  Denying a man the right to be a father is one of the most selfish things that a woman can do.  Though I sympathize with your broken heart, it is unfair to use children as leverage to punish your ex-boyfriend/husband.  Unless a father is mentally, physically, and/or sexually abusive, there is no logical reason to deny him his rights if he has always played an active, positive role in his children’s lives.  Even if he cheated on you till the day that he left, remember that you chose him.  However, children do not have a choice in who their father is.  In other words, he broke up with you, not the kid(s).  So stop ignoring his calls because he doesn’t want to talk to you. STOP using the money that he gives to you for the kid(s) on your hair and nails. Mainly, stop telling him that he cannot be in his children’s lives because he doesn’t want to be with you!  HEAL your heart, dry your tears, and move on. Your children will appreciate you both if they are not placed in a tug-of-war battle over your broken heart.  LIVE, LEARN, and GROW UP!

*SN:  This message also applies to any father who is practicing these same selfish behaviors against the mother of their children.

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