Where’s the R.E.S.P.E.C.T.?

June 8, 2011

You don’t have to date me,

You don’t have to love me,

But you do have to respect me.

Black and beautiful, educated and strong, and the backbone of most African-American families; African-American women Rock!  We face obstacles that most other women cannot imagine and yet we cannot find love with our sexy brother.  However, this is not a plea for you to love us! This is a request for respect! Most African-American men were raised in a single parent home by their African-American MOTHER.  Many Black men will make love to black women and produce beautiful seeds of life.  However, when reality hits, they leave their women ringless and their children fatherless. Nonetheless, when God created the Black woman, He made us with strands of resilience and tenacity.  We strive against all odds, not only for ourselves but for our children and those women who paved the way for us!  According to Eric Johnson, “at least 60 percent of black students who get awarded college degrees are women” and “71 percent of black graduate students” are black women. So fellas, this is the deal…

·Stop speaking negatively about black women, especially to other races! The idea that all black women have “attitudes and only want child support checks” came from the black man! I rarely, if ever, hear Caucasian, Asian, Hispanic or men of a different ethnicity speak harshly about their women! Besides if you don’t value us, some other man will. So leave those false allegations and stereotypes at home!

·Take care of your children!  Be a role model and support them, not only financially but mentally!  They need their father just as much as their mother! Step up! Also, some of the single black women who are forced to live on Section 8 and food stamps because they have to be the mother and father needs to end!  Help support your kids so that as a unit, you and the mother can feed, clothe, and provide for them off of the system.

·Value the black woman’s role in society and celebrate it! We are beautiful and that fact can never be denied!

·It’s quite obvious that most black women still want a black man, so the respect for you is there!  Equally, we can do better as a race to respect each other.  We need to strive together to end the stereotypes that other races have against us.  However, if we keep putting each other down, the cycle will continue.  Regardless of whom we date or if we stay together as a family, we need to respect each other, be good parents, and build each other up.

Source: Johnson, Eric (2010). Nightline Face-Off: Why Can’t a Successful Black Woman Find a Man?   http://abcnews.go.com/Nightline/FaceOff/nightline-black-women-single-marriage/story?id=10424979

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